photo-2Ramakrishnan Viraraghavan (RKV) is a dual-qualified lawyer with 37 years of practice. He is a renowned Supreme Court litigator. He is also a Barrister in the UK and practices both in India and UK. He is also an arbitrator in international commercial arbitrations.

Viraraghavan has been time and again counted amongst the best Insolvency & Bankruptcy Lawyers in India and has successfully appeared in several precedent-setting matters. He regularly appears before the Supreme Court, National Company Law Tribunal, and National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, prosecuting and defending cases under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code for petitioning creditors, corporate debtors, resolution applicants, and resolution professionals as an insolvency litigation lawyer.

He has an outstanding track record of practice in tax litigation, constitutional law, and civil and criminal matters. He has recently authored a commentary on GST Laws in India.

RKV is a resource person at the National Judicial Academy, Bhopal, and frequently participates in orientation courses and all-India conferences for High Court judges and district judges.

RKV has been recognized as the best tax dispute lawyer. Therefore, under auspices of the National Judicial Academy, he has been invited to lecture the Customer Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT) field officers and the Central Bureau of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC).

In addition to practicing in taxation and commercial laws RKV also practices in general and procedural laws, including the Transfer of Property Act, Civil Procedure Code, Criminal Procedure Code, Court Fees Act, Hindu Laws, Indian Succession Act, and Stamp Act. He handles matters in general law such as matters in the Supreme Court relating to partition, declarations, specific performance, rent control proceedings, criminal cases, quashing and bail.


Banking & Finance

Banking & Finance Litigation practice is backed by comprehensive expertise and decades of experience.

Civil & Commercial Litigation

Mr Viraraghavan is highly skilled in handling commercial litigation cases before the Supreme Court,

Company & Partnerships

Mr Viraraghavan has extensive experience in company law matters. He advises clients on company petitions for oppression

IBC and Commerical Litigation

At the Chambers of Ramakrishnan Viraraghavan, our distinguished senior counsel specialises in providing comprehensive legal solutions

Corporate Insolvency Resolution

Mr Viraraghavan is a trusted advocate in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code matters.

Criminal Litigation

At the Chambers of Ramakrishnan Viraraghavan, our criminal litigation practice is marked by meticulous case handling and comprehensive representation.

Direct & Indirect Taxes

Tax laws encompass both direct and indirect tax implications, and Mr. Viraraghavan guides clients in understanding and complying with direct tax regulation

Insurance Litigation

Insurance litigation is the legal process by which insurers and policyholders dispute the meaning and interpretation of an insurance policy.

Career Milestones

2017 – 2018

London Charted Institute of Arbitrators · (2017 - 2018)

LLM, International Commercial Law, and Practice University of Edinburgh Laws (2017 - 2018)

2015 – 2016

Diploma in International Arbitration · (2015 - 2016), Arb London

2012 – 2013

Inner Temple Barrister at Law (2012 - 2013)

2004 – 2005

PG Diploma in Alternatives Dispute Resolutions, Dispute Resolution (2004 – 2005), NALSAR Hyderabad